Over the last decade, the EU has faced numerous threats that have rapidly increased in magnitude, that come from a variety of sources.
Moreoever, the lines between the physical and cyber world are becoming increasingly blurred as the Internet of Things takes off and digital connections become ubiquitous. In areas where this is not currently the case, physical intrusion may break down barriers. Threats can no longer be analysed as solely as physical or cyber and it is therefore critical to develop an integrated approach in order to fight against such combination of threats. Health services are among the most critical infrastructures, and most vulnerable.
The aim of SAFECARE is to provide solutions that will improve physical and cyber security in a seamless and cost effective way. Thereby, it promotes new technologies and novel approaches to enhance threat prevention, threat detection, incident response and mitigation of impacts.
Over the course of 36 months, SAFECARE will design, test validate and demonstrate 13 innovative elements, optimising the protection of critical infrastructure under operational conditions.
SAFECARE Commercial Event - Building Threat Monitoring System (BTMS) - Carousel Station 1
SAFECARE Commercial Event - Cyber Threat Monitoring System (CTMS), Advanced File Analysis System (AFAS) and Cyber Range - Carousel Station 2
SAFECARE Commercial Event - Impact Propagation and Decision Support Module (IPDSM) and Hospital Availability Management System (HAMS) - Carousel Station 3
SAFECARE Commercial Event - Threat Response and Alert System (TRAS) and Mobile Alerting System (MAS) - Carousel Station 4
SAFECARE Commercial Event - Medical Device Security Monitoring & Risk management - Carousel Station 5
SAFECARE Commercial Event - End-users and risk-management / Integration of the SAFECARE solutions - Carousel Station 6