The 3S Clustering Event was a real success!
The event took place in Fodele, Crete – Greece on 12-13th of October 2021, and brought together three EU-funded projects (SATIE, SAFECARE, SecureGas) in the field of critical infrastructure protection. The projects’ consortia presented their innovative security solutions through focused presentations and interactive sessions.
The conference also offered the possibility to attend specific sessions regarding best practices, innovative technological solutions, security frameworks and demonstration results. Moreover, keynote speakers from the three projects presented policies, frameworks, security studies, emerging findings as well as lessons learned.
The SAFECARE presentations at the 3S clustering event are now available:
SAFECARE Project Presentation, by Mr. Philippe Tourron (APHM and project coordinator)
Risk simulation and process to integrate global protection, by Mr. Philippe Tourron (APHM)
SAFECARE Training guide, by Ms. Lella Testaceni (CSI)
Facilitating the adoption of HAMS through training, by Mr. Francesco Lubrano (LINKS)
SAFECARE Detection Systems, by Ms. Mari-Anais Sachian (BEIA)
How SAFECARE tools mitigate potential cascading effects and put in place response plans, by Mr. Francesco Lubrano and Mr. Michele Petruzza (LINKS)
SAFECARE mitigation and response process – end users’ perspective, by Mr. Philippe Tourron (APHM), Mr. Frederic Nodot (APHM), Mr. Philippe Hennebert (FMI), Ms. Monika Wachnik (SGSP) and Mr. Pawel Gromek (SGSP)
SAFECARE evaluation results, by Dr. Vasiliki Mantzana (KEMEA) and Mr. Johannes Fischbach (UG)
SAFECARE Outcomes – Scientific Point of View, by Ms. Eva Maia (ISEP)