SAFECARE Consortium Enjoys Focus Group Meeting in Brussels

The SAFECARE partners met in Brussels on 19 September for an interesting and productive focus group meeting that centred around the questions of data exchanges and propagation, as well as a demonstration of the simulation platform by CSS. 

22 partners were present at the meeting in Brussels, at the EOS office, which was chaired by temporary coordinator Olivier Theveneau from APHM. 

The focus group allowed the consortium the chance to discuss important issue that cut across several work packages and will allow for greater understanding of how the deliverables from each Work Package enable the following work package to be successfully delivered. For example, the discussion on data sharing will help ensure that the information created and used by one work package or organisation can be used in another work package – an important factor in complying with GDPR and creating a security system that is comptabible with multiple systems and types of operation. 

Further to this, Cassidian Security Systems demosntrated their simulation platform, that allows users to model system architecture and simulate threats and security plans to test the architecture for its resilience – a very helpful tool when designing security systems. 

The focus group followed the SAFECARE Awareness Event, which was held in Leuven the previous day and was a chance for the project to engage with stakeholders from the cyber sector and other EU projects. The partners were also able to enjoy some Belgian culture in the historic city, and Belgian cuisine at a typical Belgian restaurant in the evening! 

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