Deliverable: Specification of the Global Architecture

This deliverable provides an overview of the overall architecture and describes each system and its interconnections to insure consistency between the systems, so that the objective of SAFECARE can be achieved. Some communication standards are also mentioned to define guidelines for the implementation of the solutions. It is especially specified the standards for exchanging and sharing data between the threat detection systems and the threat monitoring system, between the cyber and physical security systems and the integrated cyber-physical security systems, and between different emergency systems.

Data exchange protocols, data models and data storage are depicted through the descriptions of the data exchange layer, the central database as well as ontologies and graph data model. It is defined how to share information between software components relying on referent datasets.

The privacy and data protection aspects concerning the SAFECARE solutions are highlighted with the results of the Data Protection Impact Assessments (DPIA) in order to foster trust in the processing operations that are performed within the systems of the global architecture.

Finally, a strategy of defence is disclosed to protect the hospitals of Marseille, Turin and Amsterdam against the scenarios of threats. The strategy describes the threat detection and the threat response for each scenario.

Lead Author: Airbus

Specification of the Global Architecture (PDF, 5MB)

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