SAFECARE Message of Support for Healthcare Sector in fight against COVID-19

In light of the ongoing COVID-19 crisis, the SAFECARE partners would like to reach out to all those working in healthcare services and offer our support and sincere gratitude for your heroic efforts in fighting the disease and caring for those affected.

Three SAFECARE partners are on the frontline in this fight and have therefore been able to provide insight into the challenges that the crisis has brought. ASLTO5 – (Azienda Sanitaria Locale – Chieri – Carmagnola – Moncalieri – Nichelino) a hospital in Piemonte, Italy – has been particularly struck, and has been struggling with overwhelmed staff, a lack of necessary equipment, many key members of staff affected and all normal working practices disrupted. In response, all non-medical staff were enabled to work from home, after the security of the IT systems were verified, and new locations found for the installation of temporary medical services.

We sincerely hope that with the measures now in place healthcare services are able to cope with the disease, and our thoughts and best wishes are with all those endeavouring to do so.

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