SAFECARE was presented by Isabel Praca and Philippe Tourron, before Fabrizio Bertone, Elisabetta Biasin and Erik Kamenjasevic presented a more detailed look at their research in the project.
The workshop was designed to present the different approaches on integrated (i.e. cyber and physical) security in seven different industrial sectors, such as finance, healthcare, energy, air transport communications, gas, and water. The peculiarities of critical infrastructure protection in each one of these sectors was discussed and addressed by the different projects of the ECSCI cluster that presented their outcomes, discussing the technical, ethical and societal aspects and the underlying technologies.
Specifically, novel techniques were presented for integrated security modelling, IoT security, artificial intelligence for securing critical infrastructures, distributed ledger technologies for security information sharing and increased automation for detection, prevention and mitigation measures.
The workshop included keynote speeches, project presentations, roundtable and panel discussions and thematic presentations. In the audience were scientists and experts in the field of critical infrastructure protection, CISOs, CIOs, CERTs, CSIRTs, CSOs, cyber and physical security experts representing different sector and policy makers for Critical Infrastructure protection.
The workshop featured several thematic presentations on:
Physical and Cyber-Security integration and modelling
Cyber and Physical Detection
Predictive Analytics
Anomaly detection
Collaborative Risk Assessment and impacts
Incident response
Security information sharing
Repository to exchange knowledge and sharing rules
Increased automation for detection, prevention and mitigation measures
Ethical and legal aspects of cybersecurity
The full agenda can be downloaded here. (PDF, 180KB) .