SAVE THE DATE: SAFECARE Demonstration Event to take place 1 February

We are pleased to announce that the SAFECARE Consortium will hold its 2nd virtual Awareness Event on 01 February 2021 (09:15-16:00 CET)!

As a participant, you will be able to contribute to the discussions on key technological trends, best practices, emerging threats and other issues in the sector of Healthcare Infrastructure security, led by SAFECARE’s experienced technological partners and other key actors in the cyber and physical security field.

A hands-on expert-led training session, covering security topics encountered during your daily practice will also be held.

The event will be chaired by Philippe Tourron, from the Assistance Publique – Hôpitaux de Marseille and Coordinator of the project.

To register for the conference please use the following link:

Once we receive your registration, we will provide you with further instructions (connection details).

The agenda can be downloaded here: SAFECARE Demonstration Event 1 February 21 Agenda(PDF)


List of Speakers

Philippe Tourron

 Philippe Tourron holds an Engineering degree in computer science and various postgraduate programs (certified ISO/IEC 27001 lead auditor, ISO/IEC 27005 Risk manager, forensic expert, risk analysis method Ebios professor at Aix-Marseille University). Accustomed to risk analysis and cyber crisis management, Philippe Tourron has worked both in the private industry (Michelin Group – 7 years) and in the public sector (University and research – 18 years). He is also a member of different cyber security groups: Club Ebios (risk analysis method), club 27001 (exchange around ISO 27001 implementation), government groups working to improve standardization of security in health structures (ASIP), consultant for the ministry of health (privacy and critical systems) Moreover, he has also been a Professor for more than 20 years, teaching networks, risks and cyber-crisis management.

Dr. Isabel Praça

Advisor of ISEP Presidency for R&D, Coordinator Professor at ISEP and Senior Researcher at GECAD – Isabel has a PhD in Electrical and Computer Engineering, and a Pos-Doc on the application of multi-agent systems and machine learning to Intelligent Energy services, awarded by the Portuguese National Science Foundation. She has participated in over 25 national and international R&D projects, with relevant responsibilities. She has published over 150 papers, more than 50 in international journals and books. She works in the area of Artificial Intelligence (AI) with special interest in machine learning, multi-agent systems, knowledge-based systems, decision support, context aware methodologies, and modelling and simulation. Main areas of application are: cyber-security and Industry 4.0. She is the Scientific Coordinator of SAFECARE project, and leader of the work package Risk assessment and requirements.

Dr. Athanasios Drougkas


Dr. Athanasios Drougkas is a Network and Information Security Expert at ENISA. His domains of activity in ENISA currently include cybersecurity in the Maritime and eHealth sectors, Cyber Insurance and the Digital Single Market and NIS industry. In the past he has held various positions within the ICT industry, including Project Management, Presales, R&D and Technical Consulting. Dr. Drougkas holds a BSc./MSc. in Electrical and Computer Engineering and a Ph.D. in Telecommunications from the National Technical University of Athens.


Dr. Georgios Theodoridis

Georgios Theodoridis received the M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical and Computer Engineering, with an expertise in Telecommunications, from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece, in 2004 and 2010, respectively. Since 2013, he serves as a Scientific/Technical Project Officer at the European Commission DG Joint Research Centre, at the Directorate on Space, Security and Migration. He is involved in numerous research and development projects for policy-making support. His main research interests are in the area of Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP), focusing on the organisation and execution of CIP exercises, review of the NIS and ECI Directives, Smart Power Grids resilience and security, EU resilience against Hybrid Threats, the cybersecurity and threat analysis and detection in the Internet Backbone, cybersecurity certification of Industrial Automation & Control Systems. In this respect, his duties also include the coordination of networks of experts in the related fields. Moreover, he is responsible for the digital transformation of important operational activities of the EU Institutions and Member States. To this end, he is designing as well as supervising the development and deployment of several web-based platforms for secure information sharing, practicing and training, covering business analysis and intelligence and change management.

Nina Olesen

 Nina Olesen is a Senior Policy Manager at the European Cyber Security Organisation (ECSO). Having graduated with a BA in Psychology from the University of Sussex and an MA in Political Strategy and Communication from the University of Kent, Nina worked as a policy advisor for the European Federation of Nurses Associations (EFN) before joining the European Organisation for Security (EOS) in January 2013 as a Cybersecurity Project Manager. At EOS, she managed the cybersecurity policy WG, worked on operational cybersecurity initiatives and was the project coordinator for the EU FP7 project ‘CYSPA’.

In 2016, Nina helped set up the European Cyber Security Organisation (ECSO) as the private counterpart to the European Commission in the Cybersecurity cPPP. In her current capacity as Senior Policy Manager at ECSO, Nina is responsible for managing the WG3 on ‘Sectoral Demand’ and WG5 on ‘Education, Training, Awareness, and Exercises’, as well as overseeing ECSO’s Women4Cyber and Youth4Cyber initiatives.

David Lancelin

David Lancelin holds a Master’s degree of Science in Communication Systems Engineering at INP Grenoble (ENSIMAG) and Politecnico di Torino. He joined AIRBUS Cybersecurity in 2009 as a software developer and system integrator. From 2009 to 2013, he carried out software development, system integration, security configuration, technical support and deployment of sensitive IT systems. From 2013 to 2016, he worked as a security system integrator and customer relationship manager for a multi-level gateway project. From 2016 to 2017, he defined and implemented the detection strategy to monitor and protect a critical IT system. From 2017 to 2019, he worked as a technical leader to develop a SIEM on a free and open source project by adding cyber security features. Since 2019, he has been working as a project manager to develop innovation and research activities and support the internal product development policy. David is involved in several H2020 projects: SAFECARE, SATIE, DRIvE and CitySCAPE.

Dr Barry Norton

Dr. Barry Norton is the Research Director at Milestone Systems. He is a specialist in big data / analytics and machine learning brought to bear in collaborative research and innovation settings. Within SAFECARE project, he is responsible for the development and integration of physical security solutions.



Francesco Lubrano

Francesco Lubrano achieved the M.Sc. degree in Computer Engineering at the Politecnico di Torino, with the thesis entitled “Orchestration of SDN / NFV Services on a Geographic Infrastructure”. In 2017 he joined LINKS Foundation (ex ISMB) as researcher in the Advanced Computing and Application Area. His main research activities are focused on Cloud Computing and Computing Continuum. With the participation to the OPERA European project and STEAM project, he gained a strong expertise on public and private cloud platforms (e.g. AWS and OpenStack). He is responsible of several projects with an industrial partner of LINKS, towards the development of cloud-based platforms and user interfaces for the management of IoT sensor boards. He is involved in the SAFECARE project as leader of the “Integrated cyber-physical security solutions” work package.





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