The 3S clustering event
The conference “The 3S Clustering Event” will be held in Fodele, Crete – Greece on 12-13th of October 2021. The event brings together three EU-funded projects (SATIE, SAFECARE, SecureGas) in…
Leuven AI Law and Ethics Conference (LAILEC)
The third edition of the Leuven AI Law and Ethics Conference (LAILEC) will take place on 25-26 March 2021. The conference, organized by the KU Leuven Centre for…
Agenda for SAFECARE Demonstration Event on 1 February
“How to counter cyber-physical threats to Healthcare Infrastructure” by the SAFECARE Project: Presentations and Demonstrations of the SAFECARE solution. 09:15 – 09:30: Welcome – Mr. Philippe Tourron, SAFECARE project coordinator, Assistance Publique…
SAFECARE to take part in Mediterranean Security Event 2019
The SAFECARE project will be present at the Mediterranean Security Event, taking place in Crete, at the end of October. The Mediterranean Security Event 2019 welcomes experts, scientists, practitioners, researchers, policy…
SAFECARE Project holds first Awareness Event
SAFECARE held its first event on 18 September, bringing together practitioners from across Europe to discuss cyber-physical security of infrastructure and SAFECARE’s contribution to the field. SAFECARE coordinator…
SAFECARE Presented at Community of Users
Olivier Théveneau, from APHM – SAFECARE coordinator, presenting the project during the Community of Users in Brussels on the 17th of October 2019.